Industrial Pretreatment

Industrial Pretreatment Program: 
The objective of FRWRD’s Industrial Pretreatment Program is to control industrial discharge wastes that could damage or interfere with collection systems or wastewater treatment processes and to prevent pollutants from passing through the treatment works that could cause environmental damage to the Fox River. Pretreatment regulations require that certain industries treat their process wastewater to remove excess pollutants prior to discharging to the water reclamation facilities.
Industrial Permitting Contact: 
FRWRD pretreatment staff perform industrial permitting, facility inspections, and discharge sampling.  Additionally, pretreatment staff also investigate reports of illegal discharges into storm sewers, which flow directly into the Fox River without treatment.

Contact FRWRD's Pretreatment Coordinator Michael Dacka at (847) 742-2068

Industrial Waste Survey:
Specific types of industrial processes are regulated by federal categorical standards and all industries are also regulated by FRWRD’s discharge limits that are specific to FRWRD’s water reclamation facilities. FRWRD requires all current and future commercial and/or industrial dischargers to complete and return the Industrial Waste Survey form prior to discharging wastewater to the sewer system and provide an update every 3 years. For new industries, this survey form provides enough information for FRWRD staff to determine if a full Wastewater Discharge Permit Application will be required.

Submit an Online Industrial Waste Survey

Self-Reporting Violations: 
When an industrial user discovers a violation, it must self-report within twenty-four (24) hours as per 40 CFR 403.12(g) (2). Immediate notification helps avoid potential problems at FRWRD’s treatment facilities and thereby reduce penalties, if any, for the user. If the follow-up notification will be delayed by more than five days, discuss the reason for the delay with the District’s Pretreatment staff.
Accidental Spill Information for Industrial Users:
Accidental spills must also be reported to FRWRD immediately as they can also cause problems at FRWRD’s treatment facilities and are “slug-loadings” as defined by 40 CFR 403.5(b). Since spills are violations, they must be reported within 24 hours, regardless of size.  A written, follow-up report must be submitted shortly thereafter.  Program contact information is provided above.
The Spill Report Form must be completed and returned to FRWRD with-in twenty-four (24) hours following the spill. Completion of this form is a requirement of FRWRD’s Sewer Use Ordinance and does not relieve the industrial user of any liabilities as a result of the discharge.  Prompt and accurate reporting also reflects that the user is attempting to address the problem.

The following are forms and reference information
related to the Industrial Pretreatment Program at FRWRD:
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Industrial Pretreatments9 documents

  • CSO Area Discharge Inventory Form
    document seq 0.00
  • Facility Closure Plan Form
    document seq 0.00
  • Hazardous Waste Notification Requirements
    document seq 0.00
  • Industrial Waste Survey Form
    document seq 0.00
  • Ordinance No 896 Exhibit A Local Limits
    document seq 0.00
  • Pretreatment Ordinance No. 896
    document seq 0.00
  • Spill Report Form
    document seq 0.00
  • Toxic Organic Management Plan Requirements
    document seq 0.00
  • Wastewater Discharge Permit Application Form
    document seq 0.00